As a former well-paid concierge at a top hotel in NYC, Julie Wassell came in contact with a holistic vet’s office when her beloved dog, Nannie, was struggling with “fuzzy” eyes. It turned out that the problem was not cataracts, but a reflection of poor diet. Julie’s vet at the time educated her on the reality of the pet food industry in this country. The bottom line: It is legal to use deceased pets in pet food!
Julie was astounded by this. (Aren’t we all?) So she gave up her stressful but cushy job to study Holistic Modalities for Pets at Clayton College for Natural Health. There, she learned about nutrition, essential oils, botanicals and Tellington TTouch Training, a gentle, respectful method of training that honors the body, mind and spirit of animals and their people and develops trust between humans and animals.
The result is that Julie left the hotel industry and all its benefits to manage a small pet food store that focused on offering the foods and supplements that would support dogs, cats, birds and bunnies in their journey for a healthier life.
How Times Have Changed
When our grandparents and great grandparents were alive, life was simpler. In post-World War II America, Mr. Ralston and Mr. Purina got together and said, “Hmmm, the Great Depression is over. What business should we start?”
Realizing that people will do anything for their dearly beloved dogs, the two men decided to make dog food. And just as we humans shifted from home-cooked meals to TV dinners, we also shifted our dogs from eating people food to “dog food.”
Better for our dogs, right? Absolutely NOT!
At New Leash on Life, we will help you navigate the pet store shelves and online services to help you decide the best dog nutrition. There is no one bag, no one can or no one freezer product that is the answer.
We can also help you create your health care team based on your location. Like all of us, it takes a village to raise your dog. There are many veterinary offices to choose from and we can talk you through the various needs your puppy will have throughout life.
Bach Flower Remedies essential oils, sound therapies and TTouch are all part of our formula to assist you in providing your dog with the best experience of life. At New Leash, we will support you in making the best choices to give your new family member the utmost quality of life.
In addition to all of our regular training sessions, other services we offer include:
- In-Home Boarding
- Daily Walks
- Outdoor Adventure
Better Dog Nutrition and Well-Care Coaching
Julie Wassell has learned scads about good dog nutrition, pet health care providers, essential oils, sound therapies and TTouch. And she wants to share it all with you! Call New Leash on Life at 201.400.3325 or use our contact form to learn more or to schedule your Well-Care Coaching.