One of Webster’s Dictionary’s definitions of “socialization” as: Exposure of a young domestic animal (such as a kitten or puppy) to a variety of people, animals and situations to minimize fear and aggression and promote friendliness.
Other definitions include the ability to adapt to new situations.
Whichever definition you choose, socialization is crucial to the happiness of your new family member.
When we meet new pet parents and ask how they are doing on socialization, we often hear: “He’s doing great! My puppy met XY and Z people and XY and Z dogs.”
The First Four Months Are Key
The first four months of a dog’s life are the most critical time for puppy socialization. This is the time they are most intrigued and accepting of new experiences and environments. Think of a nice clean chalkboard. Everything you write on that board that is positive from the puppy’s point of view is wonderful and welcomed into their desired future for the rest of their lives.
Socialization is a muscle—the ability to adapt to new things. So, the same street, the same dogs and the same people are not proper puppy/dog socialization. Mind you, it’s a lifelong process.
Lack of proper puppy/dog socialization can result in neophobia, the fear of new things. In order to avoid aggression or extreme behaviors based on fear, New Leash on Life will work with you on planned meetings of various people, noises, other animals, various environments and, most of all, proper handling.
Most importantly, we teach you to recognize when your puppy is not putting this on his chalkboard of favorite things but instead making a list of “I never want to do this again!”
Reading your puppy’s body language is one of the keys to proper puppy/dog socialization.
In addition to all of our regular training sessions, other services we offer include:
- In-Home Boarding
- Daily Walks
- Outdoor Adventure
Help Your Puppy or Dog Become a Social Animal!
When you sign up for our Puppy/Dog Socialization Training, you’ll be giving your best friend the skills that he or she needs to use throughout life. To learn more or to sign up, give us a call at 201.400.3325 or use our contact form.